I had a strange episode the other night.
I woke up and thought I had had a stroke. My legs were like jelly, my arms had no strength, and movement was very slow motion. My brain was functioning quite well, although I had no volume to my speech.
I contemplated ringing the ambulance, but decided to stay calm , breathe deeply and do all the tests the doctors would do to diagnose a stroke. I took an asprin, and lay there slowly trying to regain control. It took 30 minutes, and slowly my strength came back. Was it a panick attack, was it a mini stroke, was it something weird? The CT scan the following morning came back clear, except for a diagnosis of, "normal scan. idiopathic calcification of the basal ganglia.'

Normal, it stated clearly. In fact, it was so normal that my doctor didn't even look at the result, until I brought it up. But when I asked her opinion about it, she didn't have a clue what it was. I have been feeling dizzy, slightly off balance, have aching muscles for 2 years, occasional facial neuropathy, headaches, and strange depression, which I never realy had. I am 52, but the doctors cannot work it out. I should be healthy.

This page will attempt to provide information about this 'rare disease", as I gather data from as many places as possible. It may not be the cause of my present symptoms, but so far in my research, it appears that it will undoubtedly have some effects at one point in my life. If anyone has any information, please add it to the page. Please click on my post headlines to take you direct to the relevant sites.Cheers.


Results for reference of recent blood work up:
                                          score                                                normal range

sodium                                 139                                                    135-145
potassium                              4.1                                                    3.5- 5.5
chloride                                102                                                     95-110
bicarbonate                           27                                                        20-32
anion gap                              10                                                          5-15
ca  (corr)                             2.42                                               2.20- 2.60
phosphate                             1.0                                                       .8-1.5
urea                                      3.6                                                     3.0-8.0
urate                                  0.15                                                   .05- 0.40
creatinine                              62                                                        45-85
eGFR                                   88                                                         < 59
random glocose                    5.3                                                   3.6- 7.7
total protein                          71                                                       63-80
albium                                  46                                                      36- 47
globulin                                25                                                      23- 39
t bilirubin                              12                                                         3-15
c bilirubin                               2                                                           0-7
alp                                        86                                                    30-115
ast                                         23                                                     10-35
alt                                         23                                                       5-30
ggt                                        27                                                       5-35
ldh                                      211                                                  120-250
triclycerites                            1.0                                                  0.6-2.0
cholesterol                             5.7    high                                       3.9- 5.5
iron                                       17                                                       5-30
lipase                                    47                                                       0-70
c reactive protein                  <1                                                      0- 10

haemoglobin                         147                                                115-165
haemocrit                             .43                                                   3.9-5.6
rcc                                       4.5                                                   3.9-5.6
mcv                                     96                                                     80-100
wcc                                    6.9                                                  3.5- 12.0
neutrophils                         4.21                                                  1.5- 8.0
lymphocytes                       2.16                                                   1.0-4.0
monocytes                          0.31                                                    0- 0.9
eosophils                            0.15                                                     0-0.6
basophils                            0.04                                                  0- 0.15

platelets                              196                                                 150-400
esr                                        14                                                      1-30

 amylase                               61                                                      0-100
vitamin b12                         239                                                       >150  ( 150 - 250 borderline)
red cell folate                    1190                                                       >900

FSH                                    61                                                   20 - 140      menopausal
LH                                      26                                                      10- 65      menopausal
Oestradiol                          <37 pmol/l                                        40- 200       menopausal
Progestrone                       <0.5 nmol/l                                            < 2.2       menopausal
Prolactin                            102                                                      < 500
testosterone                         .9                                                       < 3.2

IGF                                     16                                                     12- 47
growth hormone                < 0.5                                                       >10 excludes pituitry failure
ACTH                                  19                                                     9 -51

Cortisol                              408                                                 160- 650